Alderson High School, Alderson, W. Va. 1936 - 1962 |
The Nine Girls Club |
Left to Right: Ellen Lobban; Mary McThenia, Edna
Supthin, Wilma Anderson; Jean Tyree, Helen Mayes, Dreama
In Front Carolyn Johnson and Kitty Honaker |
First Row: Carolyn Patterson,
President: Debbie Bowyer, Vice President: Judy Bowyer,
Sec.-Treas. Margaret Knapp
Second Row: Carole Fitzgerald, Sue Dietz, Cheryl Baker,
Donna Cole, Theresa Lemons |
Linda Pittenger, Sue Dietz, Debbie Bowyer, Louise McClung,
Lou Ann Smith, Carolyn Patterson, Judy Bowyer. Two girls in
center Margaret Knapp and Theresa Lemons. |
9 Girls Reunion |
Row 1
Dorothy Boyd Lowe
Pearl Butcher McCurdy
Glenna Grose Cather
Joanne Johnson Frazier
Coach A. A. McLaughlin
Ruth Walkup Bragg
Janice Baker Farmer
Linda Pittenger Loudermilk.
Wanda Bostic Feamster |
Row 2
Marjorie Malley Lobban
Sherri Feamster Jenkins
Sylvia Fitzgerald Kessler
Carole Fitzgerald Thomas
Betty Thompson
Mary Louise McClung Stephens
Betty Hawks Wade
Dorothy Craft Taylor
Margaret Bland Cash |
Row 3
Beverly Feamster Pack
Jean Garvin Rountree
Margaret S. Kincaid
Ann Hedrick Phillips
Betty Phillips Walthall
Jean Gwinn Hillis
Mary Ellen Christian Reese
Patty Thurmond Goff
Jean Tyree Bills
Kitty Honaker Ellard
Row 4
Peggy Hanna Sampson
Carol Thomas Cadle
Rosaline Phillips Shafer
Edwina Highlander Fraser
Shirley Cole Taylor
Florence Smith McCarty
Virginia Steele
Elizabeth Housby Bryant
Dreama Skaggs Hennessee
Nettie Smith Baker |
The Nine Girls Club was
founded by Coach McLaughlin in 1937 to assist in the
management of the financial affairs of the School
Athletic Program. Its membership is composed of nine
girls, taken from the Senior and Junior Classes, who
have worked as a club continuously since its
beginning in active support of the athletic program.
Coach McLaughlin can well recall his arrival here
when he found only eleven red jerseys, little
equipment, and an empty till. The Nine Girls,
immediately after their organization, began to
assist in raising money to support the program. The
early Clubs reclaimed used note books from the Grade
School, and with ink eradicator and erasers, cleaned
and resold the note books. They also made plaques
for sale to the public and never hesitated to tackle
any team booster they found without one. Thanks to
the efforts of Coach, and successful teams, coupled
with the dedicated and sincere assistance of the
Nine Girls, our teams soon became the best equipped
teams in the Valley.
Since the formation of the Nine Girls Club, they
have, without exception, worked at every athletic
event and have helped with the financial affairs of
the athletic program. From humble beginnings as
illustrated above, throughout their existence to the
present, they have continuously and diligently
applied themselves to the job to be done.
As Coach himself has stated, "Over the years, the
Nine Girls, with very little supervision and
assistance, have most certainly contributed
materially to the success of the School Athletic
Program, and they have consistently done so without
special recognition of the valuable services which
they have rendered to me and to our teams." To him,
their activities have helped make his association
here a pleasant and successful one. It is a pleasure
at this time to express the gratitude and sentiment
of the players and students of Alderson High School
to the Nine Girls Club, and to thank them for a job
well done. |