1928 - Alderson High School - 1968



Complicated:  Difficult to separate,
to analyze or understand.
Intricate; involved.
Dan Duff

The problem seemed so easy to solve at the time and  I visualized the solution right away. I was right proud of myself for volunteering to take the job.  I figured I could get the job done in a little over a day and if I worked it right I could stretch it out to two days and still have time to go online and work my puzzles and make sure the sports reporters were doing a good job of praising my favorite teams.  

I  however, was not on the same wave length as my good wife.  She saw the job far more complex than I and had her own ideas for getting the job done.  Not in the day or two that I had figured.  No no, my friend.  Her solutions was far more complicated for me than some simple job for a husband with an old two gallon pickle jar chucked full of “honey do” items.

To get to the crux of this situation lets digress back to the wonderful day we walked into our lovely new home on a quiet street in beautiful downtown suburbia.  The  painters had painted the walls with an ivory vapor color throughout the house.  Flat for the living room and bedrooms and semi-gloss for the kitchens and baths.  A pure white was used for the trim and the doors and this made for a nice neutral color for decorating and most important an uncomplicated job when it came to touching up the rooms.

My daughter had moved back in for a while (some eight and a half years ago), but now had found Mr. Right.  I think his first name is Almost.  Upon her marriage and leaving, we found ourselves with some extra space so my good wife asked me if I would paint the room and help her find some furniture to refill it. 

Since I had the painter write the name and brand of paint used on the inside of the electrical panel in the garage when he was finishing out the house, all I had to do was get the names, go to the  paint store and touch up the nicks and bruises. 

How complicated can that be I ask you?  Well, first of all the Mrs. felt that we needed some serious decorating done in there.  There would have to be a theme and then there would be a color theme and then there would have to be accent color with new curtains and window boxes and,,,,,, well you are starting to get the picture.

The room was going to be called “the little girls room”.  “OK”, I said with enthusiasm, as off I went to buy the paint. 

The next day I went to work with a fever pitch and before I knew it I had all the walls repaired and painted.  I thought to myself, how proud of me my wife was going to be. I even had time to go into some of the other rooms and touch up some places where the paint had been scuffed.  Now all she had to do was find some frilly bed stuff and new curtains and poof the job was done.  When my wife came in from work I took her straight back to the room and gave her a look see at my handy work.  I gleefully waited for her approval.  Instead I got this questionable look that said something had gone terribly wrong.   “You don’t understand dear, I meant we were going to put a whole new color scheme in here.”

So a week later and a new ultra light green color on the walls, the Mrs. decides to get a matching wall paper border to go around the wall.  Only my wife wants it around the top of the wall instead of the chair-rail height.  That was good, but my wife says we have this huge expanse of wall that needs to be broken up with something.  So its off to Home Depot to buy (you guessed it) chair-rail to go around the room. Another day of painting and installing the chair-rail and the room was looking very good indeed  Now we are finished right?  Wrong.  With the girls room so beautiful we need some white furniture to go in it. A gallon of paint, an old pine dresser that had been hanging around for years,  a
headboard and footboard from a bed given to us by a  sister in law, and a day or two in the garage painting furniture.  After the paint dried and we set the furniture in the room it was breath taking. With a frilly bed cover and some new pillows I figured Martha Stewart would have asked us on her show. I felt we had done justice to the little girls room.   

Changing Places  would have sent a camera crew out had they an inkling of how good the room turned out. I was almost ashamed of myself for thinking the things I had thought about the colors and the chair-rails and ....... well, you know the feeling.   Now we were finished and I could get back to my puzzles and the NBA playoffs ..... wait..... Do I hear what I think I hear from the back of the house....... My wife is saying “If we have a little girls room, then doesn’t it stand to reason that we need a little boys room?”