1928 - Alderson High School - 1968

Alderson Alumni Park
Nov 2006

See Dedication Pictures

Alderson Alumni Park Update

by Tom Dameron

            Construction of the gazebo in the Alderson Alumni Park began on the 26th day of March, 2007.  Volunteers have turned out to help in the construction of this structure and as of April 16, 2007 the main structure is almost under roof. The class of 1955 raised the necessary funds for the material for the gazebo, and all of the construction has been completed by a great group of volunteers from that class as well as from other dedicated members of   the community. Two volunteers,  Ed Moody (who traveled from Abington, Va. and is staying in Alderson until it is complete) and Gary Reed have already logged over 300 hours of their time toward this project.  Many others have turned out to help for a few hours or for a day as time permits.  This has truly become a community project and every one of the volunteers have had a great time participating and  renewing friendships with others in town.    The weather has prohibited a full scale effort to complete the project; however with a little cooperation in that area most of the work will be complete by the 15th of May and with any luck at all the copula on top will be installed by that time. 

            The dedication will be held at 3:00 o'clock pm. on Saturday, June 30 2007.  Please join with the community for the dedication of both the park and the gazebo.  There will be sketch drawings of the plan for the park for you to view, and other information about the project.  It is our hope that we can eventually enroll most of the graduating classes as donors for memorials to specific individuals or for whatever designation the class may determine.  It is planned that street lights will extend from the bridge along the riverbank toward the depot, and that park benches, trees, flower gardens and walkways will be installed, each designated by a class with appropriate designations of the class and in whose memory the dedicated object is named. 

            Several classes have already stepped forward and made contributions for various portions of the park.  The final look for the park will be in large part determined by the amount of funding that can be raised to support this effort; however if the funding efforts to date are a guide then the construction of  this park will be a great success.

            If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the park please forward your check to Alderson Main Street, P. O. Box 117, Alderson, WV 24910 and insert the words Alderson Alum Park on the check. If you would like to designate your donation as part of a particular class then please include the year of graduation on the check.

         If you have any questions or remarks pertaining to the park please send an email to andy6424@aol.com.

            Please plan to attend this dedication.  This event will really kick off the 4th of July festivities for 2007.



Introduces the Community Walk as the Entrance to


 Be part of this Community Effort



For a contribution of $50 your message of 3 lines (18 characters per line) will be lazer inscribed in a brick paver to be installed as part of the sidewalk entrance to this wonderful park. 

 Your support will insure that the entire park will be build as a tribute to our community and to those who attended Alderson Schools.

 Orders may be placed at the Alderson Library, City Hall, City National Bank, Wolf Creek Gallery or any Main Street Member.  For additional information or to order your brick on line contact andy6424@aol.com. or call (304) 839-7178



For A. H. S. Ever Always - In Every Way For A. H. S.