My mind races across time to near the edges of my memory. In small,
sweaty, locker rooms in aged schools in Fayette, Greenbrier, Monroe
and Summers Counties, I and my teammates would sit on wooden benches
and listen enthralled as dad, with his terse reasoned pleas, would
exhort us to be brave, engaged and forceful as we sought out
collective excellence. We would then charge out on to the grassy
fields, stuck between the mountains, oblivious to anything but pride
in our grey uniforms and helmets with maroon numbers. And our
commitment to seek glory for us and all those in our little river
town. Through travels and serendipity I later became a soccer
player, youth soccer coach, and referee.
The Soccer World
Cup starts tomorrow and I will watch most games and live and die
with our American team. Still to this day, nothing compares to a
small rural high school football game on a Friday night when a
school has a good run of kids and the hopes and dreams of an entire
community ride on the efforts of their young heroes. In a way, the
game is almost anticlimactic to when the kids proudly first run out
on to the field with the band playing and the fans cheering. And
then the sides will engage with the sole timeless objective as one
Greenbrier West fan succinctly put it, " to knock the snot out of
them boys"