“Alderson's Longest Running News Media"
ALDERSON MAIN STREET - NEWS RELEASE P.O. Box 117, Alderson, WV  24910 Improving The Community One Project At A Time Contact:  Margaret Hambrick  304-646-2439
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AMS Update/Public Health Task Force Update
Hello all, it has been a while since there has been a meeting of the Public Health Task Force and a while since I forwarded one of these. If you are trying to make up your mind about attending the fair this year, maybe this will help. Thanks to all who helped with the Tribute to Bricktop concert on the Bridge on Sunday evening. It was lovely. It was a hard call to make whether to hold it or postpone, but the right call was made and we had a beautiful evening. Now, this Friday evening is "Friday for the Arts" with music at the Gazebo, the Artisan's Gallery open, and more. Come out and enjoy some of the last days of summer. Be sure and watch the "Trip through Alderson" video produced by Jake Hanson of Cyber Wolf Digital Media & Sheena Pendley Design & Photography. It is part of a marketing campaign funded by Alderson Main Street and several local businesses--the ones featured. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0uIJdJyDgk Next AMS meeting AT THE DEPOT at 10:00 am on Thursday, August 18. See you there! M for AMS PUBLIC HEALTH TASK FORCE REPORT Aug 9, 2022 HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Dr. Morrison reported on the current state of several ongoing public health issues. In terms of COVID, Greenbrier and Monroe are both in moderate risk areas and rising. ER and provider visits are increasing. In terms of swine flu (influenza A), there have been a few people test positive for swine flu who had direct exposure to sick pigs in another part of the state. It appears as if we are out of the infectious window, but surveillance is always in place. The State Fair is doing all the right things out of an abundance of caution. Swine flu exhibits just like the moderate flu symptoms and typically develops 1-3 days after exposure. In terms of monkeypox, there are no cases locally and 4 in WV so far. The US leads the world in cases currently and cases are expected to increase. There is a vaccine available but it is not readily available. STATE FAIR. Kelly Collins reported on efforts to protect public health at the fair. Specifically, they are taking precautions with swine flu. There’s no public access to the pig barns and veterinarians are monitoring their health daily. Hand washing stations have been added for safety. There have been no further cases of swine flu at local fairs recently, but they are still taking precautions to be safe. SCHOOLS. Paula Brown reported that schools are preparing to reopen. Masks are optional. Students who test positive remain out of school for five days and return to school on the sixth day. Then they mask for five days. PPE is readily available. OMICRON BOOSTER? We aren’t sure when an omicron-specific booster will be available. Hopefully this fall. FLU VACCINES? They will be arriving at providers soon and are readily available. INFO ON MONKEYPOX? The CDC website is the best source of info on monkeypox. Visit here: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/index.html INFO ON SWINE FLU? The CDC website is the best source of info on swine flu. Visit here: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/swineflu/index.htm Summary submitted by Senator Stephen Baldwin on behalf of Julian Levine, WVSOM, & the entire Task Force.