“Alderson's Longest Running News Media"
ALDERSON MAIN STREET - NEWS RELEASE P.O. Box 117, Alderson, WV  24910 Improving The Community One Project At A Time Contact:  Margaret Hambrick  304-646-2439
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Alderson Main Street Meeting Minutes March 2023
MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) The monthly meeting of Alderson Main Street, Inc (AMS) was held 16 March 2023 at Big Wheel restaurant at 10 a.m. Officers present were Don Sutherland and Margaret Hambrick. Sheena Pendley was not able to be present. Major items are as follows: 1. Previous minutes were approved. 2. Treasurer’s Report: No formal report was provided. a. There was a high number of booklet sales. b. The Post Office Box was paid. c. A number of people have contributed to flower basket watering in memory of Ross Copenhaver. 3. Membership Report: 32 members, up three from last meeting. 4. Old Business: a. Christmas Tea Recipe Book: no change. b. Composition of Finance Committee: no change. Immediately following the meeting, Doris Griffith volunteered to be a member of the Finance Committee. c. Lamppost Decorations: Don continues to work with the Mayor on finalizing plans. d. Depot door and floor tile: no change. e. The Annual Planning Calendar was reviewed. Version control will be noted by the date in the upper left of the spreadsheet. Members will reach out to Providing Pathways to see if the organization is still functioning and if they are planning on a Rock the Block event this year. Those present agreed to change the date for the Fall Festival to 7 October to not conflict with Taste of Our Town on the 14th. The calendar is a “living document” that will continue to be updated as new events are known. f. Replenishment of T-shirts for the Depot – no change. g. Canopy Weights the group agreed to delete this item as Don has spare 45 and 50 lb dumbbells and kitty litter for plastic water bottles. h. Information Kiosks: One kiosk near the Lion Sculpture is unlocked and we can update the map inside. i. Strawberry Festival: Sheena will provide an addendum to the minutes as an update. j. Website: Motion approved to discontinue the website, as it only received 227 unique hits in 12 months. k. AMS Social: Group agreed to a date of 20 May, 5 to 6:30 pm. Location and details TBD. l. Painting “Alderson Main Street” on the two canopies: Marcia has purchased the stencils, just waiting for warm weather to stretch them out and complete the task. 5. New Business: a. Arches on the pedestrian bridge need to come down and be stored in the Green building so the Christmas Decorations can be moved from the Depot to the Green Building. Don to coordinate with Mayor. b. A question was raised about potential donations to youth softball/baseball with the changes in ball league structure. Are the previously paid for banners for AMS still hung at the field? Don to check. c. A question was raised about youth activities in general and perhaps a “pet parade” for the Fall Festival in particular. Doris Kasley volunteers at the Elementary School and could provide an introduction to the Principal for concerned members. d. Two items of community information were provided: VFW to assist with flags on the bridge and a Scout Troop is meeting in the basement of the Methodist Church. 6. Next meeting is scheduled for 20 April 23, 10:00 am at Riverview Cafe. Submitted by: Don Sutherland Accepted as official minutes: