Thanksgiving This is the time of year we pause, if only for a moment, to give thanks for our home, family, jobs and friends. Even people that don’t have any of these things can still find something to be thankful for. We give thanks for our country from the shores of one great ocean to the shores of another and all the wonders in between. We give thanks for the love we have whether it be spouses or children or even some very special friends. We give thanks for the opportunity to have a good meal with our loved ones where laughter and sometimes tears can be seen. Yes, we give thanks. What are you giving thanks for this year? Think that over and if it involves a person let them know how much you appreciate them and all they do for you.My hope is that all in this country where we celebrate this holiday and all of the others across this world we all share will have all they wish for.Happy Thanksgiving to us all.