From The Aldersonian, November 1956 |
Barry Worrell |
High School
Students’ Publication of Alderson High School.
Published Each Six Weeks by Journalism Class of A. H. S.
Editor-in-Chief / Ruth Walkup
Associate Editor / Lucy Baker
Sports Reporter / Jim Meadows
Assistant Sports Reporter / C. K. Sweetwood
Feature Editor / Mary Phillips
Business Manager / Bill Keadle
Assistant Business Manager / Andy Russell
Circulation Manager / Pat Bowyer
Subscription Manager James / Edward Meredith
Advertising Manager / Barry Worrell
Photographer / Janice Baker
Proof Reader / Sonny Bennett
Head Typist / Betty McClung
Assistant Typist / Janet Coleman
Head Reporters / Sam Ballengee and Henry Mann
Sponsor / Miss Nelson
Printed by The Parsons Advocate, Parsons, W. Va.
Johnny Runyon Elected
Student Body:
Johnny Runyon was elected president of the
Alderson High School Student Body at the first
assembly of this year. Johnny, a senior,
received a large majority of the votes against,
three other contestants. Johnny was a starter on
the football squad for three years and was on
the basketball squad for three years. He has
been helping coach the junior high team this
year. Johnny was born at Lester, W. Va. He came
to Alderson when he was in the 3rd grade. He has
remained here since. |
Student Council Has First Meeting:
The Student Council of Alderson High School had their
first meeting to discuss the care of the gymnasium. The
membership of the Student Council is as follows: John
Runyon, Jim Meadows, Barry Worrell, Charles Ayers, Tony
Ayers, Mike Brady, Richard Hughes, Willa Lemons, Janice
Baker, Jayne Holcomb, Deckard Zicafoose, and Ann
Hedrick. The council drew up this list of rules for the
care of the Gym:
1. One person in
gym class to use dust mop on floor before and after
2. Eliminate eating of lunches in gym.
3. No playing on the floor in street shoes.
4. Stay off the stage at all times without permission.
5. For willful damage to gym, a dollar fine will be
charged the first time.
6. For willful damage to gym, a two dollar fine will be
charged the 2nd time.
7. For a third violence to the gym, the offender will be
eliminated in the use of the gym for the remaining year.
These rules apply to all members of the Alderson High
and Grade schools. The council urges the students
cooperation. |
Alderson’s Shields Tops Scoring List:
Unofficially tabbed as the highest scorer in
West Virginia scholastic play for the
current season is Alderson’s tailback, David
Shields, who has a total of 160 points.
Shields, a trim, 180—pounder who stands six
feet tall, is not only a scoring threat
every time he carries the ball, but is
equally as good on defense in addition to
his running. Shields has passed for six
touchdowns during the season, The strange
part about it is that this is his first year
to play in the backfield. His touchdown
record for the season is as follows:
Crichton, 1 - Peterstown, 3 - Meadow
Bridge, 3 -
White Sulphur, 5 - Ronceverte, 1 - Rainelle,
5 - Rupert, 2 - Lewisburg, 5 - and Hinton,
2. He also made four extra point!. "This boy
has cold water in his veins," is the
description of him given by Coach Abe
McLaughlin, and he added, "he is best when
the pressure is on." |
Cecil Underwood Visits Alderson;
Aldersonian Staff Interviews Him:
Cecil H. Underwood, Republican nominee at that time,
governor elect now, stopped in Alderson October 24, to
address his followers in this area.
Traveling with
Underwood on his next-to-the-last week of campaigning,
were William Saunders, nominee for congressman, 5th
district, Virgil Rohrborough, candidate for state
superintendent, and a large number of non-candidates.
The motoring "whistle-stop-pers"’ arrived in town after
speaking at Peterstown, and planned to visit Union and
Lewisburg the same clay. Despite bad weather promised by
a very dark sky, the Republican group had a large
turn-out of people from Alderson and surrounding areas.
The candidates made their speeches before noon and then
had lunch. Upon leaving the Hotel Alderson, where he ate
lunch, the gubernatorial candidate again addressed the
group of townspeople and students of the journalism
During the interview, Mr. Underwood spoke to the
Aldersonian Staff on his platform. He said he wanted to
clean up state house "evils" such as the “flower fund"
and wine and liquor accounts. He considers his most
important jobs will be to provide for better roads and
schools in the state. He also wants state hospitals set
up in a more efficient agency, and a thorough mental
health program established within the state.
On agriculture, an important industry of this part of
the state, he believes that the state government should
do all they can to make agriculture a more important
part of the state’s economy; he would have the W. V. U.
Experiment Station find more uses for West Virginias
farm lands. He said “all improvements we have planned
for the state will attract new industry".
segregation, the nominee said, "the Supreme Court is the
law of the land, and should be obeyed as such, but
desegregation should be carried out within the counties"
as the county school boards know best how fast they can
proceed in their own areas.
The Republican candidate for
governor said the "ladder symbol" recently adopted by
his party within the state stood for the building of his
party’s platform and the state’s progress to a higher
Mr. Underwood finished his interview by stating
that his last week of campaigning, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3,
would be accomplished 'by helicopter, and would include
55 counties and some 60 addresses. |
Students of the Month Are Jones And McCallister:
Journalism Class has chosen Pat
McCallister and Jimmie Jones from the sophomore
class as students-of-the-month. Pat is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McCallister; she was born in Asbury,
W. Va. and is sixteen years old. Pat is taking four
subjects in school, they are: English, geometry, world
history and biology. She has two favorite subjects and
teachers. They are English and geometry; Coach and Mrs.
Mitchell. Her favorite colors are purple and pink. She
likes romance movies, hillbilly music, and her favorite
song is "Walking in the Rain." She is also crazy about
ice cream. Pat is a cheerleader and is president of the
M.Y.F., and 4-H Club. She is also a member of the F. H.
M A. and the choir. She is usually seen with Carole
Meadows, and plans to be a nurse.
Jimmie is the son of Mr. Paul Jones of Charleston and
Mrs. Alex Feamster of Alderson; he was born in
Charleston and is fifteen years old. He is taking four
subjects in school, they are: geometry, biology,
English, and world history. His favorite subject is
physical education and his favorite teacher is Coach. he
likes comedy movies, jazz music, and his favorite singer
is Little Richard. His favorite color is maroon and his
favorite food is chicken.
He is usually seen
with Joe Mitchell. He doesn't know what he wants to be
when he gets out of school. |
Junior Class Presents Play:
Leads in the Junior
Class play, “Green Valley," were given to Deckard
Zicafoose and Jean LaRue. Mrs. Modlin, the class sponsor
says that the three-act comedy fantasy will be presented
on Dec. 7. The cast of the play is: Eldon Berry,
Deckard Zicafoose; Prim Stokes, Jean LaRue;
Tinker Smith, Charlie Ayers; Tobias
J. Everheel, Charlie Lobban; Martha Mears,
Sue Reed; Eva Friese, Nancy Russell;
Lonesome Berry, Buzzy Kincaid; Granpaw
Berry, Denny Quillen; Granny Berry,
Frances Fawcett; Jeb Berry, Howard Mays;
Calhoun Berry, Buddy McClung;
Ransome, Daniel Duff; Prudence,
Patty Bryant; Rufe Thomas; Bryan
Boyd; Sarah, Sheila Feamster; Hip
Cooley, Don P, Sevy; Mamie, Nancy
Bennett; Shade Stokes, Eddie Bryant.
Senior Starts Combo:
Jim Meredith, a senior in high school,
is starting a Combo consisting of three members so far:
Daniel Duff, bass; Barry Worrell, drums; and Jim
Meredith, trumpet. The boys decided on calling it the
"Jim Meredith Combo." At first they thought of
having only three, but later decided on adding one or
two more. The boys have already been invited to a
Variety Show at Pence Springs and they are available for
any other engagements. |
Drive to Start For String Bass:
A drive to raise money for a string
bass will start in the near future. Jars will be placed
in a few of the stores throughout the town for anyone
who wants to make a contribution. The bass will be under
the direction of Mrs. Keadle, band director of Alderson
High School, but will be used in the "Jim Meredith
Combo” by Daniel Duff. Any contribution will be greatly
appreciated. |
Seniors Head Honor Roll:
Evidently the seniors have studied
harder than the lower grades the first six weeks of
school because they lead in the honor roll.
12th, Jim Meadows, Andy Russell, Bill Keadle, Jim
Meredith, Sam Ballengee, Almeida Burns, Lucy Baker,
Peggy Highlander, Kenny Ford, Ruth Walkup, Pat Bowyer,
Doris Collins, and Sonny Bennett.
11th, Nancy Bennett, Pat Groves, Nancy Russell, Sue
Reed, Dorothy Smith, Jean LaRue, Patty Bryant, Ann
Hedrick, Abe Straley, and Charles Ayers.
10th, Vella Tincher, Ella Sue Ballengee, Joyce Martin,
Vera Thompson, Jo Ann Shelton, Carol Meadows, Carol Ann
Hogsett, Jo Ann Hines, Bucky Feamster, Becky Craig,
Brenda Caperton.
9th, Nancy Nickell, Doris Highlander, Charlotte Thomas,
Edith Thomas, Elizabeth Estep, Robert Piercy, Charles
Holliday, Richard Zicafoose, Hugh Highlander, Mitchell
8Ch, Joyce Gadker, Linda Spangler, Judy Lovey, Judith
Gwinn, Mildred Miller, Sammy Groves, Monty Bennett.
7th Howard Massingill, Barbara Ayers, Carole Light,
Barbara Shelton. |
Senior Girls Represent A.H.S. at A
.B. Banquet:
A turkey dinner was served on Tuesday
night, Nov. 13, at Hinton, to students and their parents
who were interested in Alderson Broaddus College.
Among those present were students from Lewisburg,
Peterstown, Hinton and Alderson. Jayne Holcomb, who is
planning to enter nursing, Janet Coleman who is
interested in commercial studies and Ruth Walkup, who is
planning to enter missionary nursing, were the three
students from Alderson High. They were accompanied by
their parents, Mrs. Bill Walkup and Mrs. Ed Holcomb. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Rowe were also present at the banquet.
After the meal was over, slides of the college, campus,
and hospital were shown. Talks were given by members of
the A. B. faculty. Those present were given the
privilege to ask any questions that they might have
pertaining to A. B.
Upon leaving the students felt well informed and eager
to apply for registration. |
Two - Football Articles |
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