Strawberry Time In AldersonPress ReleaseAlderson Main StreetOn Saturday, May 28 the town of Alderson will hold their first annual Strawberry Festival with Sunset Berry Farm &Produce (and friends) leading the charge. The Alderson Strawberry Festival, Garden Sale & Flea Market is a major fund raising event for local non-profits. The schedule below will give an idea of just some of what is happening during theday.Activities for the kids will be all day, including face painting. The Big Wheel Restaurant will have specials on strawberrymilkshakes and sundaes. Look for discounted strawberry items at the Green Grocer and the Exxon Station. The shopsof Alderson will be open with wonderful spring items. The Alderson Thrift Shop has some great items and is a fund raiser for the Alderson Ministerial Association.The Flea Market is open to non-profits for fund raising. The Girl Scouts will have a Dunking Booth (dunk your favoritepresidential candidate!); Alderson Main Street will sell Strawberry Iced Tea & Lemonade next to Alumni Park; theJohnson Memorial Methodist Church is donating their proceeds to the Center for Hope; money is being raised for theAlderson Food Pantry through strawberry recipe booklets and hand dipped strawberries; Greenbrier East Agriculture will have a rubber duck pond. Strawberry Festival post cards and t-shirts will be on sale at the Visitor Center.There is something for everyone in the family!If you are interested in being a part of this event; flea market (non-profits), garden sale, market (this can include crafts)or pie contest (pie or cobbler) contact Lynda Howe at 304-520-2473. Then on Monday May 30, 6:30-8pm the Goodson Boys will play on the Alderson Memorial Bridge. Bring picnic, a chairand your dancing shoes. Watch a beautiful sunset above the Greenbrier River and hills beyond. Come to Alderson, the Gem of the Hills, and experience someplace different.Time Event Location6:30-9am Strawberry Pancake Breakfast Alderson Fire Department8:30am Community Market Opens Visitor Center Parking Lot Strawberry Shortcake Toy Exhibit Visitor Center9am Garden Sale Opens Memorial Bridge Flea Market Opens Alumni Park Art in the Park Opens Green Space Methodist Church Yard Sale Methodist Church 10am Live Music Visitor Center Methodist Church Lunch Methodist Church11am Crazy Straw Contest Visitor CenterNoon Live Music Visitor Center1pm Strawberry (Dessert) Pie Contest Visitor Center2pm Pie Auction Visitor Center3pm Event Closes(photo credits: Presidio Studios / click for larger view)