Today I was
working on the Author's page of the site, trying to clean it up a bit.
I especially wanted to bring Dan Duff's title listing to the
author's page and
eliminate the separate index page for his titles.
I started thinking about Dan, and how
he was a dear friend, and that
led to the friends I grew up during my time
in Alderson. As you know Alderson is not that big and my friends
list might not seem numerous, but I don't ever remember
thinking I didn't have enough of them. All of you who read these
pages I consider my friends even though some of you I didn't know
then. But the ones that were close, we lived life together.
Those are the ones I miss very much. Some are still here and some
have passed away. Which brings us back to Duff. |
I don't ever remember Dan being
down or melancholy. He was always happy and would bring joy into the
room. He was always telling jokes and laughing a lot. He would have my
mother in stitches. We always had fun together. On of his
favorite things he loved to do was take lines
from the movies we saw and repeat them for days after. He usually
to explain why and where they came from, but they did become funny.
There's a "Droopy" cartoon, where
Droopy is a sheep herder and his adversary, a larger bulldog, was a
cattle rancher. As Droopy was bringing his sheep to the range of the
cattle rancher's land, one of the cows came running up shouting,"
Moo moo, bah bah, Moo moo, bah bah".
The cattle rancher asked the
cow what he was trying to tell him. (I know, this is silly story)
The cow says, "There's sheep a comin' ya durn fool!" Duff
must have repeated that line for weeks.
Dan's humor
wasn't funny to one person and that was our city cop. Dan and I
was in the Snack Shack one night, sitting at the counter. The town
cop came in and sat about three stools down from Dan. Dan
noticed him and then looked at me and with jesters to say, watch
this. Dan started singing, "I Found My Thrill, On Blueberry Hill".
After a coupe of verses, the cop got up and walked over to Dan and
came very close to assaulting him and threaded him to never sing
that song in his presence again. Dan apologize and the cop sat
back down at the counter. It was a scary moment but I don't remember
what it was about.
The one time that made the most
impression on me, was when Dan and I drove down to Hinton. I guess
the reason we were there was because we went to see some of the
girls we knew. After all, we once were members of that infamous band
called Eddy Cales and his swinging strings, and Hinton was a
frequent visit. Sure enough we saw two girls walking down the
street toward us. One of the girls, seeing us got a big grin on her
face, rushed toward Dan with arms wide open, and said loudly,
"Barry!". It was embarrassing for her, funny to Dan, but a
little disappointing to me. But I wouldn't mind if a hundred lovely
young ladies standing in a row and each one came up and hugged
his neck and call him Barry, if I could only see him one more time.
I really miss him and I will see him again.
If you've never
visited the Author's page of this site, there are several hundred
articles written by many folks from Alderson. They're listed
alphabetically and you can see them