A Former Publication Of Alderson High School “Alderson’s Longest Running News Media”
The Very First Aldersonian Barry Worrell - March 29, 2016
I received an email from Leslie Dare whose family (the Farley and Rigg families) were from Alderson. Her father was superintendent of Greenbrier County Schools for a few years, and Leslie attended Greenbrier East. She sent an eight page edition of the Aldersonian, published in 1922. The interesting fact about this edition it wasn't published by Alderson High School. It was published by the Alderson Baptist Academy and Junior College. You might say this is the missing link, for some history has stated the Aldersonian was first published in 1917, although the date of 1917 could not be confirmed. However, on page 4, in a message from the Editor-In-Chief, George O. Hill, states, "we always knew the need for a school paper but never attempted it until now." Since his statement was from this 1922 edition, this was the year the paper started, and it also says “Commencement Number” at the top of the page. 1922 was the year they also moved from the old building across from the Baptist Church to the new building which is still there. (Note: The old college building burned down in 2024) We also know they occupied the building through 1931, for in 1932 Armstrong College occupied the building. Dr. I. B. Bush of Charleston founded this college and it was operated until 1935 when it went out of existence.
The Baptists in West Virginia were trying to operate two schools, the other being Broaddus College in Philippi. Modern public high schools and more splendid colleges and universities throughout the nation were making the small private academies and denominational colleges obsolete. With the coming of the great depression in the thirties, West Virginia Baptists simply could not afford to operate two schools, and Alderson Junior College was doomed. Harry B. Rowe pled that the schools, if combined, be located in Alderson. He lost. There came into being in 1932 Alderson-Broaddus at Philippi, West Virginia. At least the honored old name became part of the new institution, and the college continues to grow and serve West Virginia. So when did Alderson High School adopt the Aldersonian? Most likely after Alderson Baptist Academy abandoned it. Alderson High School was a stand alone entity in 1928 when they move the upper grades to the new building just up the street. We may never know. But then again, I never knew the information that Leslie Dale sent me, until she sent it. Thanks Leslie. Be sure to Click here to read the pages of the 1922 edition of the Aldersonian.
Click image for all pages of the paper