Hello everyone,
I wanted to invite all to participate in Alderson
Manor's version of
Relay For Life -- with permission and support
from Greenbrier County Relay For Life -- on
Wed, June 5th
from 10 AM to noon.
We will be building cancer awareness, celebrating
survivors and remembering those who have lost battles to
cancer through our event.
** We will be walking around the perimeter walk of
the property (3 times around is a mile) starting at
10 AM; pledges/donations are welcomed at the event,
but not necessary to participate. The walks are
wheelchair accessible, mostly even and flat. We
welcome you to walk as little or as much as you are
** There will be a
mini-health fair starting at 10 AM
including Alderson Medical Center, Priority One Home
Care and the Center for Rural and Community Health
from WVSOM. There will be free blood pressure
checks, information on cancer resources, and free
** Music will be
provided by Lucy Ramey.
** There will be a
fundraiser bake sale,
with proceeds going towards Relay For Life.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and feel
free to spread the word.