Recently, as I was watching a
TV business show ,one of the commentators made a statement which
gave me a deep insight into his economic concept which is chilling.
He said that in the UNITED STATES we need to get rid of low paying
jobs ,and create only high paying jobs. Let me say that attitude is
an excellent way to cause financial failure. There is no economy or
country in the world that can function without low paying jobs, and
these jobs need to be done well. A Harvard professor still needs the
trash removed and the house cleaned. Low paying jobs are vital to a
nations survival . Go to a hotel, clean your own room, This attitude
toward hard work and honest effort is dangerous. We need to respect
all work because whether the man or women is operating on your heart
,or cleaning the operating room ,one task enables the other and no
matter which you consider the most essential without one the other
will not be done. |