A Former Publication Of Alderson High School “Alderson’s Longest Running News Media”
The AA McLaughlin Scholarship Awards Alex McLaughlin
The AA McLaughlin scholarship is in honor of AA McLaughlin who was a long time high school teacher and a very successful coach at Alderson high school . He was the first athletic director at Greenbrier East . The scholarship annually is awarded to deserving Greenbrier East seniors who live in Alderson school district . The scholarship was started in 2001 and the fund is administered by the Greater Greenbrier Community foundation Since the awards were first awarded in 2001 40 scholarships have been awarded to worthy Greenbrier East student. In the beginning one $500 scholarship was awarded. In 2002 3 scholarships of $1500 were awarded. The scholarship is very appreciative of those who have supported the fund over the years and allowed it to grow. Those wishing to make contributions should contact Ann Bowling Tuckwiller at the Greater Greenbrier Valley Foundation. Ann can be reached at 109 Jefferson Street Lewisburg , WV 24901 info@gvfoundation.org 304-645-5620 The very worthy award 2022 winners of the AA McLaughlin scholarship are Elyza Crane Jaida Skaggs Kaelyn Gore The award winners are shown with Mary Carr, granddaughter of Coach McLaughlin , who presented the awards.