Contact: Mayor Travis Copenhaver 304-445-2916 / Margaret Hambrick 304-646-2439
ALDERSON AREA FLOODING UPDATE1. Damage assessment - 7 structures to be condemned. Approximately 30 houses to be mucked out (mostly garages and basements).2. Muckout crews - Greenbrier & Monroe Office of Emergency Services are distributing cleaning supplies, as is Greater Greenbrier Long Term Recovery. All are coordinating with Team Rubicon who is coming today to evaluate damage. Christian Charities may also have a muckout team available.3. Mold - It is critical that the residents curb the growth of molds ASAP, including the basement areas.Supplies are available. GGLTRC will work with Town of Alderson and both counties to arrange distribution system and provide instructions.4. Debris Management - The WV National Guard will start debris pickups in the Alderson area Wednesday morning, June 24, 2020. All debris needs to be at the curbside for pickup. Any isolated locations need to contact Town Hall to assure that we know there is a pickup need, especially outside of town.5. Infrastructure -Roadways - WV DOH has cleared and reopened both major roadways (RT 12 and 63) and are still working on secondary roads and blocked culverts. Long-term repairs to roadways in planning/engineering phase.Power - Mon Power/First Energy did an awesome job recovering the power in the Glen Ray (due to major landslide) and Ft Springs areas with the help of Asplund Tree Trimming also due to treefall on power lines. Some poles are still damaged, but all residents that we are aware of have power.Water/Sewer - water plant and sewer plant have had some damages but are operating to meet needs. Sewer plant was on generator power but mains power is now restored. Town is requesting damage cost summaries from their service providers for FEMA PA submission.Waterways - there are significant diversions of the streams due to debris and the WV Conservation Agency needs to do local assessments. Residents are currently doing what they need to do to keep floodwaters (still running heavily) away from residences.Bridges - Multiple bridges to residential structures were washed out. This is a major need moving forward. We are coordinating with WV VOAD, who has a bridge rebuilding program.