Alderson Main Street has been serving the community for many years by sponsoring and raising funds for the improvement of Alderson W Va. Two prime examples are shown in the photo at the top of the page. Alumni Park, which is dedicated to the students of Alderson High School, and the Alderson Depot.Securing grants, matching funds and donations, is a difficult task and can sometimes take years from planing to completion. The people at Alderson Main Street are to be commended for the long and hard work they do help improve and preserve Alderson for the next generation.To see more of our work, start with the "Projects" button on the link bar. To learn all aspects of Alderson Main Street, please take the time to navigate through the site. If you would like to join Alderson Main Street, or make a donation, you can find the information under the "Contact" link. If you have a question, send us an email.