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Improving The Community One Project At A Time” PO Box 117 -  Alderson W Va.  24910 © Alderson Main Street 2015 Alderson Christmas Parade Weekend What is the Holidays without a parade and lights? Alderson has both. Starting Friday, December 4 through Sunday,  December 6, Alderson will have several events: some old traditions and some new additions.  Friday Dec 4 at 5 pm there will be a bonfire (new) on the Monroe County side near True Value. At 6 pm will be the  parade line-up followed by the Christmas Parade (tradition) at 7 pm. New this year is the Grand Illumination.  Besides the Memorial Bridge lighting (tradition) there will be a lighting of the Historic District on both sides of the  Greenbrier River. Alumni Park at the foot of the bridge will have some surprises too. Warming fires and hot chocolate  are located at the Train Depot and the Visitors Center. The parade will end at the Community Center where Santa  will meet the kids and there will be more goodies.  Saturday Dec 5, 9 am to 3 pm is the Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church Holiday Bazaar  (tradition)with a soup and sandwich lunch for $6. The Bazaar will continue on Sunday Dec 6, Noon- 5 pm. Many  items are handmade and one of a kind. Also on Saturday 5-7 pm Santa will be at the Gazebo in Alumni Park (new) at the foot of the Memorial Bridge on the  Monroe County side. For a donation, you can drive under the lights on the bridge. Hot chocolate and other goodies  will be for sale.  Then on Sunday there is a Tour, Tea and Performance at the Cedars, a beautiful historic home on Hemlock Ave.  Tickets are $10 and available at the Alderson Visitor Center, Bridgewalk Shops and Alderson Wolf Creek Gallery.  Times are 1-5 pm and sold with an hourly arrival time on them. You will tour the home and end in the Ballroom for an  English tea and treats. There will be music and a performance about one of the ladies of the Cedars. Tickets are  limited. For more information call 304-445-2005. The unique shops in town are open as well as restaurants, so come to the Gem of the Hills and experience some  place different. Every weekend until Christmas there will be something fun happening in Alderson. (click on photos for larger view)