“Alderson's Longest Running News Media"
ALDERSON MAIN STREET - NEWS RELEASE P.O. Box 117, Alderson, WV  24910 Improving The Community One Project At A Time Contact:  Margaret Hambrick  304-646-2439
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ALDERSON HISTORY BOOKLET RELEASED Learn about Tick Tock's Clock and other interesting chapters from Alderson's past in the newest edition of the "Alderson History Highlights and Tantalizing Tidbits" series published by Alderson Main Street. One of the most exciting events in Alderson during 2022 was the installation of a town clock on the Greenbrier County end of the Alderson Memorial Bridge. The tale of this new clock and its connection to Tick Tock's clock is just one of the stories in Volume IX, titled "As Time Goes By." This new clock stands in the place where the clock on Hanger’s Jewelry Store once hung. The fundraising, led by Stacy Eskins, was amazing and the balance of the cost came from the Frances and Bill Simmons Community Fund of Alderson Main Street. Author Belinda Anderson has, once again, outdone herself in finding little known facts and researching the history of buildings and people. "Alderson has such an amazingly rich history. There are so many stories of people and places to tell," Anderson said. Volume IX is available on-line through the Alderson Artisans Gallery, or by ordering through Alderson Main Street. The order form is on the AMS facebook page. Watch that page for announcements of “pop-up markets” during the Christmas season where the booklet will be sold. All eight volumes are also available individually or as a set that may be extra welcome this holiday season. What a great Christmas gift for family and friends who may not be able to follow country roads home to West Virginia this year. Anderson recaps the volumes as follows: Volume I--Read about the railroad wreck that littered so much tobacco, flour, and bacon that local storekeepers sold none of those commodities for a month. Volume II--An Alderson inventor who was awarded a patent for a still in 1897--but it’s not the kind you are probably imagining. Volume III--Read about the stories of heroism that saved lives during Alderson’s thousand-year flood. Volume IV--Alderson was founded because of forbidden love. Volume V--America’s first female ambassador and her husband, a captain of the Danish King’s Guard, lived in Alderson in a home that is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Volume VI--Learn about the hardware store that sold everything from turkeys to sheetrock. Read the memo with the store’s request to “ship us…7 Widows.” Volume VII—Read about the lion and the traveling salesman, the Alderson native who became a Jazz Age sensation and the family that turned a three-story brick warehouse into a home. Volume VIII—This special edition commemorates six decades of West Virginia’s Largest Fourth of July Celebration. Whether you live in Alderson or far away, these volumes of history, meticulously researched and prepared by Anderson, are a trip down memory lane that will celebrate the holiday season. PHOTO CAPTION: Cover of Volume IX: “As Time Goes By”
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